Merwyn Carrillos
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Blog Post 001

Welcome and Hello!

A sunrise at the ocean, over looking short swells.

I'm not exactly sure what compelled me to start writing this blog. Perhaps it was the extended leave from work due to the birth of my daughter, or the wave of YouTube videos promoting self-development - but something's recently pushed me into wanting to type.

In this blog I'll record my experience, mostly professional, on technology and solutions to problems I dive into. If nothing else than record keeping, the blog would fulfill its purpose.

What to expect? Well for starters I'm into Python - so expect some of that. Though I'm also learning more about non-interpreted languages. I eventually want to write a thing in zig. But also systems engineering, cloud platform, architecture, and containerization.

I've started to really get into that last one. Docker is not new, neither is the concept of containerization. However, I've started to try and solve my problems with it. Specifically, at home, with Portainer.

If nothing else than to improve on my communication skills, I hope I can see it with this blog. As a system of record, I aim to grow in the art of technical writing, documentation, and storytelling.

Thanks for reading!